2023: The Next Chapter

Welcome to 2023

A new dawn, a new year, and a new era for ‘The Room - Psy’.

I want to begin by thanking all of our wonderful loyal readers, and followers on Social Media, for your continued support through all of our changes, and at times, sporadic posting. We notice each and every familiar name we see, ‘liking’ and commenting on our content. Thank you so much for your friendship and viewership.

2022 was intended to be a year of evolving the brand, however, demands with external projects took precedent for a period, which meant regrettably, ‘The Room - Psy’ had to take a creative break. Nevertheless, this provided an unexpected rest space so to reimagine the brand - which I am now so excited to share.

We will sadly be halting the formal hosting of our wonderful and greatly missed Featured Writers, so to pursue other avenues. Nevertheless, we will still have our doors open to Guest Writers/Content Creators, as always. All previous formal contributors can still be found on our ‘Team’ page, where you may reach out to them and access their brilliant work.

Instead, the brand will mainly be focusing on psychotherapy-related education and information; reflections, insights, how-to’s, and relevant theory. Although other topics will still be accessible and updated.

We have also expanded onto YouTube with our new ‘Wellbeing Beats’ music playlists, with ‘The Green Space’. Focusing on your wellbeing beats sadness, fatigue, motivation issues, stress, illness, crisis of self, low mental health, and focus problems. These different music beats are intended to tap into your parasympathetic nervous system to calm or energise you; lifting and transporting you into new places, helping you to study, focus, relax, or get active. Please subscribe to our channel and support us.

We will also be providing a book club, where key texts of interest will be shared for budding academics or people just interested in psychology-related publications. We will be hosting giveaways, and a brand new interactive content form on ‘Instagram’ to provide you with easily-consumable psycho-education and reflection activities.

We are greatly looking forward to sharing this with you all in the new year - along with additional content ideas currently swirling up our sleeves, yet to hit the ground.

Thank you all so much for the support and consistency you have provided us. It has meant the world and kept us motivated and creative. I so look forward to this new chapter and seeing what you think of it.

Peace & love,