Posts tagged Letters from the editior
Spring 2022: Together & Strong

This season’s letter is dedicated to offering some practical support for those of you struggling – to provide some advice on ways to cope with anxiety and push through, together and strong. I’m sure you’ll join me in sending thoughts and prayers to the people of Ukraine and anyone currently struggling in places of conflict. However, as we know, thoughts, prayers and “good vibes” aren’t worth much – so here’s an opportunity to take some action too so you can practically make a difference (see the end of this letter).

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Winter 2020


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Autumn 2020

The Dark Factor

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May’s Letter

They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results - so why do we keep zipping up the same straitjacket?

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March’s Letter

As a society we are continuously perpetuating this narrative of “prepare to compare”; ‘likes’ are now currency for self-worth and validity as to whether your life, social status, and position in the world is “worth it”.

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February’s Letter

I have a confession to make…

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January's Letter

Reflect for a moment on how wildly different your life was at the start of the last decade compared to now. Think about how vastly different you look, how your opinions and values have changed, how your family structure may have shifted, how your thoughts and intelligence have evolved, and how your relationships have cycled. Could you have ever believed back in 2010 how your world is now in 2020 – and how utterly far away and distant that date once felt? Yet here we are, within a blink of an eye we are bigger, older, uglier, more experienced, wiser, smarter, and more discerning.

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