September's Letter



As I am writing this, it is currently August 29th at 12.48pm. Only three days away from the launch of I am incredibly excited and incredibly nervous at the same time. ‘The Room – Psy’ has been running for a number of years now, but has never been promoted on this kind of scale. I am so pleased and proud with how this website has turned out and am even prouder of my featured writers. I cannot wait to share with you all of the wonderful content that we have in store.

Making changes in your life - or rather - when you are just before that point of making that change, is a very intimidating and a very vulnerable time. We never know how we are going to be perceived or if we are going to be received well. Anxiety and insecurity is always the gift that keeps on giving – amiright ladies, gents and my non-binary friends?! Oh-woe, the human condition.

However, I strongly believe that life is too short to worry about any of that. Human-beings are blessed with this amazing ability to think and create. We are all so individual and unique and have our own distinct quirky traits and prowess. Life is far too short not to take the plunge and do that ‘thing’ you’ve always wanted to do. Be it getting a tattoo, quitting your job, or going into business for yourself. It doesn’t matter. Throw caution to the wind, find your passion and get inspired. Live your life for you and never apologise for it. Be fearless and let your true inner light shine.

You see, when we are old and nearing the end of our life’s final chapter, it is said that people have the most regrets about the things they didn’t do rather than the things they did do. You can read more about that here. I think we can all take a lesson from that, in just taking the plunge and doing tha ‘ting! So with that, I hope that you will enjoy what I post here or at least that I can give you some food for thought as I follow my own passions and interests. Life’s too short to live in fear.

Be bold, be brave. Memento mori, carpe diem.

- Samantha