Social Engineering: A Chain Is Only as Strong as Its Weakest Link
Samantha NewportSocial Engineering, Psychology, Criminology, forensic psychology, Lily Yuan, The Room - Psy, Catch Me If You Can, Frank W Abagnale, OSINT, DISC Communication System, DISC, Microexpressions, COVID-19
Forensic Evidence - We Are Only Human
Samantha Newportcriminology, forensic psychology, psycology, crime, nvestigation, evidence, human, jessica young, featured writer, criminal justice, DNA testing, fingerprint analysis, ballistics, murder, CSI, Goddard, The Innocence Project, FBI, Mayfield, Branden Mayfield, only human, influence, behaviour, Charlton et al., 2010, McKie, case, Jeanguenat et al., 2017, Dror 2005, GBH, Emotional influence, NHS, Hall and Player 2008, DSC-3 system, Open University
Eyewitness Testimonies & Investigative Interviews
Samantha Newportcrime, forensic, forensics, forensic psychology, psychology, truth, eyewitness, eyewitnesses, eyewitness testimony, testimony, testimonies, interview, interviews, investigative interview, investigative interviews, investigate, investigative, investigation, police, report, seeing, watching, Law, Criminology