Your People Need YOU!


First of all I want to thank you for taking the time to read this letter. This is an open-letter calling for your help during this time of panic and crisis. I hope that you will want to take part in this project, to create a safe and informative space for those struggling during isolation and due to the impact of COVID-19. Your altruism is admirable as now is a critical time for people to demonstrate their strength and humanity. Thank you in advance for your time and attention reading this.



As I am sure you are aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused quite the wave of disruption. From people losing their jobs, losing loved ones, struggling with lack of space and freedom of movement, to issues finding basic necessities in stores, due to panic buyers. The situation has been devastating and damaged many peoples mental health. This is therefore, the perfect opportunity to do what we do best – to step in and offer support through our collective talents, initiatives, knowledge and skills. 

Someone once said to me that in life they go by the principles of the First Nation tribesThat if you are a warrior, during peacetimes you look after the sick, you take care of the elderly and look out for the children etc. AKA, you take care of your own. This got me thinking and reflecting on all of our individual roles in life. We all live on this earth and share this space, therefore it’s all of our duty to do what we can to help and ease distress. That this responsibility doesn’t just fall on the shoulders of parents, caregivers or healthcare workers - we all have something to offer, no matter what that may be, or how small that may be. Contribution is contribution.  

You only have to do a quick skim read on some of the reports out there, to see how COVID-19 has impacted massively upon people’s lives. A quick example being the significant increase of depression and anxiety: many people who manage these issues rely on structure and daily routine to help with their symptoms. With COVID-19 stopping a lot of people going out and engaging in their routines, they are consequently finding themselves struggling to balance and manage their symptoms, with the risk of symptoms worsening. The heavy negative news coverage and social media frenzy just adds to this; let alone how isolation may be additionally impacting those who don’t have gardens/outside-accessible spaces to escape to and enjoy during this time. Or worse: those who may live with toxic or abusive family members/partners and are now stuck with them 24/7.

Therefore, to help extend a virtual hand of support to those who may be struggling, I am looking to get a team of people together across different professions and areas of expertise, to build up a selection of helpful material for free access. This material will be shared to a temporary section on, dedicated to COVID-19 isolation support, where people can find information on (for example):

Will you join my team in creating some supportive material?

 Contribution towards this project just involves you submitting a piece of content (or as many pieces as you like!), in any format, to your own schedule, under your own management and tone; that would be useful, supportive, or informative to those struggling in isolation or with other COVID-19 related issues. Participating will help and support vulnerable people who are struggling during the COVID-19 crisis, such as those suffering from mental health problems, grief, domestic abuse, confusion, uncertainty, paranoia, lack of resources or loneliness etc. This initiative is for people who care and want to support those struggling during this anxious and uncertain time. 


Content created and submitted for publish should either:

  • Provide information (e.g. how to manage poor mental health, how to keep safe, how to keep clean, how to keep healthy etc.);

  • Provide entertainment or activities for either: parents, children, people wanting to get fit, people wanting to learn a new skill/hobby, or for anyone bored/restless/distressed whilst stuck in isolation;

  • Include fact busing material, or resources where people can access true and helpful material about coronavirus;

  • Any articles, pieces of writing, videos, art etc. that you feel would be helpful or useful for those that are struggling during this time of crisis.


For a full list of ideas and examples of the type of content you could create for this project, click here.


Create something that reflects your skills and interests, or maybe something from your business, training, or profession. Create whatever you feel may be valuable, helpful, supportive, or useful to those currently stuck in isolation, or who are struggling during our current situation; so to offer them a safe section on the internet where they can find informative content and above all else makes them feel good – content all of which has been produced by people like you! Hooray for the power of the people! 

In return for your participation, you will be offered free advertisement/promo of any work/projects you wish to showcase, which would reach a wide audience of approx. 7000+ people (this figure comes from the combined number of followers @theroompsy has across its social media platforms, views and clicks from posts shared across numerous forums and communities, and other sources of web traffic directed to Note: This figure does not include the 60+ private communities and forums The Room – Psy shares its content to, which also attains a significant number of views and clicks).

Alongside this, we want to try and get the hashtag #WeWillOvercome trending across social media, to indicate any of the following to others:

  • That your inbox is open to those who may be struggling;

  • That you can provide sources for support;

  • That you can/want to help where possible and is safe.

This hashtag can be put into your bio online, or you can post it/tweet, so to help encourage a bit of traffic surrounding this. This is with the hope that a bit of camaraderie can be spread during this difficult, uncertain, and lonely time. 

Therefore, as you are part of The Room – Psy in some capacity – be it a reader, a follower on social media, featured writer, content contributor, or just someone that cares about people and mental health - I wanted to extend this idea to you and ask for your help and contribution.

If you have any thoughts or ideas yourself that you would like to share and put into action, do get in contact! Whatever kind of material you think would be useful to people during this time would be great. I encourage you to be as creative and as real as possible – we are all in this together and your words/creations could make a difference to those significantly struggling right now. 

Anything you create would, of course, be posted with any contact details/credit info with it you would like. Just make sure to let me know what that is, so I can attach it on publication. Similarly at the bottom of anything you create and submit for publicationfeel free to attach anything you would like to promote. Your time is valuable and if I can advertise something for you in return, then I would like to do that.


If you would like to take part in this project and contribute some content to support those struggling, please read the following instructions, and/or fill out the form at the bottom of this letter.


Any pieces you would like to submit for publish, please send it to with this information:

  • A small bit of information about you (optional) – this will be posted at the end of your submissions(s). It will be public-facing, so make sure this includes only what you are happy to share with any potential readers/viewers!

  • The name and any contact details you would like to be identified as/found through by readers/viewers (optional) – this is how credit will be made towards you as the author/creator. Sharing your real identity is optional. Please state in advance if you wish to remain anonymous or would like to use a pseudonym.

  • Something you would like to have promoted/advertised in return for your content (optional). (This will only be permitted if the items are appropriate and legal).


Please send all items you would like published, to directly.


If you have any questions or are unsure of anything, please do not hesitate to ask!

Let’s do this, guys! Let’s use this platform and our reach in a positive and impactful way! Let’s be remembered and recognised as positively acting during this time, rather than just hiding away. 

I believe in you and I believe in the power of the collective. Let’s go get it! #WeWillOvercome

- Samantha 


Samantha Newport

Founder | The Room – Psy

Social Media: @theroompsy