Samantha NewportTraid of darkness, dark triad, Jessica Young, featuiired writer, The Room - Psy, psychology, mental health, society, Dr Jordan Peterson, personality, Big Five-Factor Model of personality, Big Five-Factor, Oxford Bibliographies, conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness, neuroticism, extraversion, McCrae, Understand Myself, OCD, Carter et al., 2015, The Dark Triad of Personality, prosocial, MacLean, Paulhus and Williams, Lyons, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Dennis Rader, psychopaths, psychopath, narcissist, Subtypes of Sub-clinical Narcissism, VULNERABLE NARCISSISM, GRANDIOSE NARCISSISM, BBC, BBC news, Sean Coughlan, Challenging The Darkness, narcissism, well-being, machiavellianism, Borgaard