Lost in Wonderland: Maladaptive Daydreaming
Samantha NewportWonderland, Maladaptive Daydreaming, Daydreaming, dreaming, dream psychology, psychology, Samantha Newport, Professor Elierzer Somer, Eliezer Somer, Dr Somer, Wild Minds Network, The Dreaming Place
Is Social Media a Risk Factor for Deliberate Self-harm Among Adolescents?
Samantha Newportsocial media, The Room - Psy, theroompsy, Mariam Adeniji, Samantha Newport, Self-harm, suicide, psychology, health, wellbeing
A Light within the Triad of Darkness
Samantha NewportTraid of darkness, dark triad, Jessica Young, featuiired writer, The Room - Psy, psychology, mental health, society, Dr Jordan Peterson, personality, Big Five-Factor Model of personality, Big Five-Factor, Oxford Bibliographies, conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness, neuroticism, extraversion, McCrae, Understand Myself, OCD, Carter et al., 2015, The Dark Triad of Personality, prosocial, MacLean, Paulhus and Williams, Lyons, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Dennis Rader, psychopaths, psychopath, narcissist, Subtypes of Sub-clinical Narcissism, VULNERABLE NARCISSISM, GRANDIOSE NARCISSISM, BBC, BBC news, Sean Coughlan, Challenging The Darkness, narcissism, well-being, machiavellianism, Borgaard
Borderline Personality Disorder: Beyond the Label
Samantha NewportBPD, borderline personality disorder, personality disorder, Label, stigma, diagnosis, Jessica Young, Mental Health, Disorder, psychology, mental health, Szasz 1960, Szasz, Myth of Mental Illness, society, DSM 5, DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, APA, Americian Psychiatry Association, Very Well Mind 2020, Very Well Mind, Stigma, stereotype, stereotyping, misconceptions, bias, labelling, stigmatic, prejudice, discrimination, othering, social psychology, Norriss 2011, Norriss, Understanding Prejudice 2002, Understanding Prejudice, Sokratis, Sokratis et al 2004, Sokratis 2204, individual differences, manipulation, anger, attention seeking, fear, Mind, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Bennett et al 2019, Bennett 2019, Bennett, The Royal College of Australian & New Zealand Psychiatrists, C., Melvin, A, G., Quek, J., Saeedi, N., Gordon, S, M., Newman, K, L. (2019), ‘Perceived Invalidation in Adolescent Borderline Personality Disorder: An Investigation of Parallel Reports of Caregiver Responses to Negative Emotions’, Child Psychiatry & Human Development, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 209-221 [Online]. Available at https://link-springer-com.libezproxy.open.ac.uk/article/10.1007/s10578-018-0833-5 (Accessed 12th October 2020)., Mind (2020), ‘Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)’ [Online]. Available at https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/drugs-and-treatments/talking-therapy-and-counselling/dialectical-behaviour-therapy-dbt/ (Accessed 2nd September 2020)., Norriss. J, 2011. ‘Othering 101: What Is “Othering”? There Are No Others.’ Available at https://therearenoothers.wordpress.com/2011/12/28/othering-101-what-is-othering/ (Accessed 2nd October 2020).
Mental Health Through Time
Samantha NewportThe Room - Psy, Jessica Young, Mental Health Through Time, Bedlam, psychology, society, mental health, mental disorder, distress, mental illness, illness, wonder, amusement attraction, London, mental, mental hospital, hospitalk, asylum, timeline, psychology timeline, madness, lunacy, mental states, legislation, institutions, mental institutions, care, treatment, medication, time, insitutional developments, institutional developments and changes, mental health management, mental health treatment, mental health legislation, history, psychology history, Harvard and Watson, Historic Engalnd, 1845 lunacy and county asylums act, county asylums, madhouses, Victorian era, County Asylums 2020, 1890 Lunacy Act, Lunacyt Act, mentally unwell, unwell, National Archives 2020, National Archives, 1913 Mental Deficiency Act, Mental Deficiency, Eugenics Movement, Eugenics, care in the community, genetics, genetically inferior, BPS, British Psychologica Society, 1930 Mental Treatment Act, Mental Treatment, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Psychiatry, Royal, Royal College, 1959 Mental Health Act, medical, 1983 Mental Health Act, The Health Foundation, psychopathic disorder, impairment, NHS, 2007 Mental Health Act, The King's Fund 2008, The King's Fund, Infamous Instituions, regimentation, containment, patients, patient, St Mary of Bethlem, St Mary, Bethlem, lunatics, Google, Bragg 2016, Bragg, cage, shackles, punishment, blood-letting, purging, rotation therapy, therapy, William Tuke, maltreatment, care-focused, Lunacy Commission 1835, Lunacy Commission, York Retreat, Wolfenden Report, Quaker, the line up, mirror, news, warwick, retraint collar, science museum, restraint harness, The Talking Cure, Insulin Coma Therapy, Prefrontal Lobotomies, ECT, Electroconvulsive Therapy, CBT, CY, CT, Cognitive therapy, Aaron Beck, Pharmacological, ADM, antidepressants, SSRI, Serotonin reuptake inhibitors, abnormal, stigma, Szasz, Pilgrim, myth, bbc, diagnosis, counselling
What is Post-Traumatic Growth?
Samantha NewportPTSD, PTG, Growth, grow, post-traumatic grown, post-traumatic growth, trauma, faith, recovering, COVID-19, Richard Tedeschi, Lawrence Calhoun, Akhtar, stress, emotions, negative, anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, guilt, Deena Camps, Featyred Writer, mental health, disorder, psychology, intrustive thoughts, Tedeschi, Calhoun, Rubonis, Bickan, post-trauma, growth, psychological growth, stress-related growth, shattered assumptions, assumptions, Janoff-Bulman, benevolent, meaningful, crisis, Joseph, coronavirus, Linley, Poulin, Sikver, Gil-Rivas
Do What Scares You. DO IT AGAIN.
Samantha Newportsacre, scare, scared, fear, scares, do what scares you, terrifying, comfort zone, cognitive-behavioural approach, cognitive, behavioural, approach, change, thoughts, negative thoughts, cognition, conscious, little albert experiement, little albert, experiement, psychology, Pavlov, Watson and Rayner, dogs, pavlovs dogs, classical conditioning, stimuluys, bell, salivate, five areas model, 2020, influence, monsters, mind, humans, failure, think, consequences, belief, beleifs, demon, demons, face the demons, thought trackers, evidence, CBT, positve, positivity, dar, dare yourself
The Inner Me
Samantha NewportThe Inner Me, Caesium-135, Featured Writer, mental health, disorder, psychology, human, anxiety, depression, doubting-thomas, voice, voices, self-doubt, cognitive distortion, Aaron Beck, cognitive distortions, brain, CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy, thoughts, negative thoughts, negative voices, Freud, Id, Mark Solms, University of Cape Town, subconscious, consciousness, layered model, mind
Antidepressants and The Biopsychosocial Approach
Samantha Newportantidepressants, biopsychosocial approach, approach, biology, social, psycho, biopsychosocial, MIND, mental health, depression, illness, mental illness, GP, NHS, diagnosis, support, psychotheraputic, Jessica Young, symptoms, medication, teblets, pills, medications, bodies, mind, Biological, cells, neurotransmitters, brain, psychology, health, neurons, synaps, neurotransmitter, receptors, serotonin, serotonergic neurons, serotonergic receptors, action potentials, reuptake, explanation, Tricyclic, Tricyclic antidepressants, antidepressantsacetylcholine, Monoamine oxidise inhibitors, MAO, MAOI, MAOIs, Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, SRI, SRIs, Selective serortonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRI, SSRIs, neurochemical, Intervention, biological, biological approach, psychological, psychological approach, social approach, medic, exercise, diet, therapy, tyherapies, intervention, interventions, mindfulness, best friend, quality time
Attention & Schizophrenia
Samantha NewportAttention, Schizophrenia, Schizophrenic, Symptoms, DSM, Psychotic, disorder, distored reality, emotions, apathy, indifference, hygiene, welfare, schiz, split mind, mental health, mental disorder, attentional problems, hallucinations, delusions, memory, cognition, cognitive processes, psychology, distorted reality