What is Post-Traumatic Growth?
Samantha NewportPTSD, PTG, Growth, grow, post-traumatic grown, post-traumatic growth, trauma, faith, recovering, COVID-19, Richard Tedeschi, Lawrence Calhoun, Akhtar, stress, emotions, negative, anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, guilt, Deena Camps, Featyred Writer, mental health, disorder, psychology, intrustive thoughts, Tedeschi, Calhoun, Rubonis, Bickan, post-trauma, growth, psychological growth, stress-related growth, shattered assumptions, assumptions, Janoff-Bulman, benevolent, meaningful, crisis, Joseph, coronavirus, Linley, Poulin, Sikver, Gil-Rivas
The Inner Me
Samantha NewportThe Inner Me, Caesium-135, Featured Writer, mental health, disorder, psychology, human, anxiety, depression, doubting-thomas, voice, voices, self-doubt, cognitive distortion, Aaron Beck, cognitive distortions, brain, CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy, thoughts, negative thoughts, negative voices, Freud, Id, Mark Solms, University of Cape Town, subconscious, consciousness, layered model, mind
No Health Without Mental Health
Samantha NewportHealth, Mental Health, physical health, unwell, mental illness, age, gender, financial, occupation, stability, upset, ward, service user, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, stigma, society, open, school, young people, help, freedom
The Symptoms of Anxiety that No One Wants to Talk About
Samantha Newportmental health, health, mental disorder, disorder, anxiety, symptoms, anxiety symptoms, symptoms no one wants to talk about, lived experience, true stories