Creativity Challenge

Competition time! Read to the end to find out more…

This month is all about challenging yourself to unlock your artistic side! Whether creating music, painting, writing, or dancing is your preferred method – make sure to get down to it, because research says that by engaging in creative outlets we can immeasurably contribute to our psychological wellbeing. In fact art does far more than that, it relieves stress, encourages creative thinking, and even increases brain plasticity.

Artistic activities are relaxing and rewarding, reduces stress levels and leaves you feeling calmer and clearer. It serves as a beautiful distraction by providing you with a creative break away from your everyday thoughts and worries (did you know the average person has around 60,000 thoughts a day! 95% of which are exactly the same!). When you allow yourself to become immersed in creating something amazing, you enter something called “the zone”, or as others would call it, a state of “flow”. This is a meditative-like state that focuses the mind. This principle works in a similar way that Zen gardens do; by tending to your garden (or in this challenge, the art you create), you separate yourself off from the physical world for a little while just so you can concentrate on making this small little space you are in charge of, beautiful.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to enjoy being creative, you can immerse yourself into the world of art by simply using a piece of paper and a pencil. No fancy investments needed!

Below you can find daily tasks to sketch, draw, paint, sew, or craft etc. throughout this month. Let’s unleash our inner Picasso! Remember, you don’t have to be amazingly talented to be qualified to create! This challenge is all about taking a break, allowing ourselves to be mindful and to just have some fun.

Post your creations to Instagram and tag us (@theroompsy) so we can see and admire all your wonderful pieces! The best piece will win a mystery prize! (winner will announced early March. Ts & Cs apply).

  1. What you think music looks like

  2. An object as if it were alive 

  3. Something outdoors in 3 different kinds of weather 

  4. A fairy tale character 

  5. Five different things that can fly

  6. A wilted plant

  7. A mandala

  8. Draw round your hand on a piece of paper and draw a henna design

  9. Something with a strong smell

  10. One of your favourite things

  11. Something you only find in space

  12. Something abstract

  13. Something you’ve never seen in real life

  14. Your favourite food

  15. Something huge

  16. Something tiny

  17. Something you once lost

  18. Your favourite childhood toy

  19. Three kinds of beard and moustache

  20. 3 kinds of crazy milkshake or cocktail

  21. A made up animal/creature

  22. Something psychedelic

  23. An aerial view of your bedroom

  24. A zen garden

  25. Something from a dream you had

  26. Anagram of your name

  27. Something gross

  28. Two objects melded as one

  29. Two foods melded as one 

Alban, D., 2018. The Mental Health Benefits of Art Are for Everyone [online]. Be Brain Fit. [Viewed January 31 2020]. Available from: